THE DOG Island - Petasi's Strike

OK, so I picked up my "THE DOG Island" copy that I got from Easter 2009. I inserted the disc and started playing.
It looked somewhat the same from my previous time playing it, with the scratchy voice and the screams in the title song and such The dogs playing with the Herobrine eyes, and Amelia with a snowy coat and pure black eyes.
Then I got to the part with Petasi, the little black creature with a High-five Ghost like face with ears practically bigger than his entire body.
He came from behind the fireplace, this time he wasn't dead, but his eyes were blood red. He had with a bloody whirring chainsaw. All of a sudden my dog had a sword and he freaked, whacking him with his sword and Petasi cried,
I then went out of the house and eventually got caught, and he whirred his chainsaw and cut my character's head clean off. Them Amelia came up, FINALLY looking normal, and she said.
"Poor little friend.."
I took out my disc in horror and in red marker on the back of the disc, it repeated,
"Poor little friend.."